I’m happy to announce today the launch of the tribe membership!
OracleTribe membership is exclusively an online membership. Continue below for full details.
Your golden ticket includes the following benefits:
- Introductory price! (guaranteed to go up after introduction – grab it now and you’ll be grandfathered from our regular price of $30 – $100+ upwards) so don’t wait
- Online functional training programs (HIT, core, strong man, nogi, bjj . . . and more)
- Online coach/digital academy membership
- Personal digital online coach, accessible 24/7/365 from anywhere!
- Personal digital dashboard, with metrics to keep you on track and motivated
- Real feedback from your coach, me! on your dashboard
- Companion annotated routines to the YouTube videos
- Early and full access to premium YouTube videos
- Companion training PDFs (with cool illustrations by yours truly)
- “On the mat” (coming soon). Yes, it’s like how it sounds. Be a fly on the wall and see what it’s like to run a BJJ academy from opening to ‘formup!!’. Actually watch/sit in on parts/whole classes!
- Special guests live cast ‘on the mat’ like Kru Muay Thai specialist, Judo clinics. With exclusive follow up QnA.
- Exclusive insight into the backend operational activities of running an online business. Exclusive “What’s Lee doing today?” videos (peak over my shoulder and see what’s on my laptop screen as I build V3DA hub and OracleJiuJitsu.com backend and front end)
- Special access to ‘OracleLab’. Whaaaat a grow lab? Yup. Grow your muscles, and your brains – at the same time
- Special access to ‘Start your academy’ QnA
- Special member-only invitations to spend time in our live class here in our physical academy (*certain privileged grade levels may apply)
- Exclusive deep discounts on V3DA hub/Oracle merch (even limited drop items!)
- * Training content is intended to be diverse in nature. Ranging from high-intensity training, core strength training, strong man training, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, NoGi, general infotainment content (and a whole ton more). Currently, as of this writing, no bjj testing, nor gradation is offered through the tribe membership.
- No commitments. No contracts. Cancel anytime.
- . . . and more!
* Please note that the OracleTribe ‘online only’ tribe membership does not include ‘in-person at our physical location’ memberships. In-person physical locations require separate purchase. Figured you already knew that, but just in case.
* Future price increases and/or tiered memberships (that restrict some feature access) may come into effect at any time. Today’s memberships will be grandfathered at the highest future tier.